Welcome to the First Mennonite Church of Paso Robles
We are located at: 2343 Park St, Paso Robles, CA
Contact us at: 805.238.2445 or email fmcpasopastor@gmail.com
Schedule of Worship
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting
Sunday, 10:00 A.M. Sunday School for Adults
11:00 A.M. Worship Service
Please click on the Ministries tab and you will find the sermon for this Sunday. Thank you.
Thank you for taking time to visit our website. I do hope you find encouragement in the posts we have.
Thank you again.
Brief History
First Mennonite Church of Paso Robles area was established in the Fall of 1897.
When Mennonites families from Germany, Russia, and the other US States came to California, they settled in the west of Paso Robles. Typically, wherever Mennonites go, they hold Sunday services.
So, in the beginning, these families met in homes. When more families came, they erected a church building in the San Marcos Ranch near Chimney Rock around 1898. Due to travel distances and some cultural differences, the congregation was divided. One group was organized in Paso Robles in the fall of 1903 and another in San Marcos in 1904. In 1911 the San Marcos Church moved to the corner of Vineyard Drive and Dover Canyon Road. This church was known as the Willow Creek Church.
In January 1967, a fire consumed the Willow Creek Church building. The location where this church used to be is where the Willow Creek Mennonite Cemetery is.
After the fire, the two groups began to meet in the Paso Robles Church.
From its beginning, neither of these congregations was large in numbers, but their presence and impact in the community is still ongoing.
It is our prayer to continue serving God as we keep serving our community, not in our own strength but in the Lord’s.
First Mennonite Church of Paso Robles is a member congregation of Mennonite Church USA and a member congregation of the Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference.
For more information on the Mennonites go to: www.mennoniteusa.org or www.thirdwaycafe.com