November 26, 2023. Sermon Title: Building Blocks for Godliness

First Mennonite Church                    November 26, 2023 Building Block for Godliness Text: 2Peter 1:1-11 Peter’s opening blessing can be addressed to Christians of all times. “To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours” is Peter’s address reaching out to you and me. We … [Read more…]

November 5, 2023. Sermon Title: Suffering for Doing Right

First Mennonite Church November 5, 2023 Suffering for Doing Right Text: 1 Peter 3:8-22 In the section before our passage for today, Peter addresses the appropriateness of Christian relationships with the larger society and household relationships within the context and times of his readers. He pleads with slaves to obey their masters, something we are … [Read more…]

October 8, 2023. Sermon Title: Communion: A Remembrance to Imitate

First Mennonite Church October 8, 2023 Communion: A Remembrance to Imitate Text: Luke 22:14-23 Today, we are celebrating Communion. This Christian ritual is grounded on the meal Jesus ate with his disciples, just some hours prior to his arrest, trial, and crucifixion. We do not know if Jesus had celebrated the two previous Passover meals … [Read more…]