October 19, 2014 Sermon Titled: The Attributes of God: His Omnipresence and Omniscience

First Mennonite Church October 19, 2014 The Attributes of God: His Omnipresence and Omniscience Text: Psalm 139:1-12  When theologians speak about the attributes of God they often refer to two kinds of God’s attributes: His communicable attributes and His incommunicable attributes. God’s communicable attributes are those that God shares with his people: his love, compassion, … [Read more…]

October 12, 2014 Sermon Titled: The Attributes of God (I)

First Mennonite Church October 12, 2014  The Attributes of God (I) The Holiness of God Texts: Isaiah 6:1-3; Exodus 15:11  Our user-friendly oriented society steers clearly away from everything that looks or sounds complicated. But life can be complicated. Human relationships can be complicated. But the demand to user-friendliness goes beyond the material world or … [Read more…]

September 21, 2014 Sermon Titled: The Compassionate Father

First Mennonite Church September 21, 2014  The Compassionate Father Text: Luke 15:11-31 A modern version     Rudy and Kim raised a beautiful family of two girls. This couple was hardworking and well-respected in the community. They loved their daughters and provided for their every need. But when Mindi, the oldest of their children turn 16, she … [Read more…]

September 7, 2014 Sermon Titled: Two Incompatible Communions

First Mennonite Church September 7, 2014  Two Incompatible Communions Text: 1Corinthians 10:14–22  Today we are having Communion. Sometimes it is also called the “Lord’s Supper.” This Christian practice of eating the bread and drinking the cup in the context of worship draws it source beyond the time of Jesus. Jesus himself established it in the … [Read more…]

August 31, 2014 Sermon Titled: Making Hard Choices

First Mennonite Church August 31, 2014   Making Hard Choices Text: Matthew 4:1-11 We live in an extremely divided society. And people are forced to choose sides. You have to either be Republican or Democrat, pro-choice or pro-life, tree hugger environmentalist or hardheaded denier, pro-Israel or pro-Muslim and so on. Besides these major social dividers … [Read more…]